A SYNOPSIS of the new paper:
“The oxytociniergic solutions for human systems and creative applicability”
Author: Chloé Pisco
All facts and data featured and used as a basis for the theories I have written in the larger paper and this synopsis, are gathered from the deep evidence based research and peer assessed findings of a multitude of pioneers recognised by their universities and research institutions; as well as the global scientific community. Found through years of research of my own, within their books, data, published papers etc.
For the list of these inspirational humans, please see the “References” page of the full paper.
After ten years of research and evidence gathering at Harvard University, Dr Paul Zak recently discovered and proved that, on the majority, we all make OXYTOCIN everyday.
This is our empathy, compassion, trust, bonding, morality, connection and love hormone.
And it induces feelings of euphoria while it is released.
(As well as a huge list of benefits to all humans: psychologically, mentally and physically.)
Those tingles you fell at the back of your head when you see art that moves you, or hear music that transports you – that is the physical feeling of your hypothalamus releasing oxytocin.
We ARE all good!
And neuro-chemically rewarded for it.
This, is very good news.
Even more interestingly: We are all born somewhere along the oxytocin production scale.
From that moment on, in our lives; certain factors and direct stimuli either lower or heighten our production ...all along the way every second of every day.
So, our position on the scale can be changed!
For the better or the worse.
This is an elegantly simple solution to understanding good and evil.
And indeed remedying it.
But getting into more fascinating detail:
Here are some examples of empathy increasing stimuli:
- All Human and mammal bonding
- A hug that lasts longer than 6 seconds
- Physical contact with collaborative, caring intention
- Making love and having orgasms
- Feeling trusted and trusting others
- Environmental stimuli – smell, sound, nature and more
- Connection through words, conversed, written
- Connection through actions
- Going into labour and producing breast milk
- High stress and life or death situations, (This is key, see below for evolvements on this.)
- Gratitude
- Music, dance, films – in fact : All effective art!
And to be clear when we engage in these activities and feelings , we increase our oxytocin, which in turn increases our feelings of empathy , love , trust etc…
So it’s a self propelling loop of goodness.
PLUS there are endless health benefits to endogenous oxytocin, (produced by our endocrine system in the hypothalamus.)
Here are a few highlights oxytocin:
It makes you HIGH! It Induces euphoric feelings! Tingles /frissons at the back of your head when you hear beautiful music or share a hug for example … that is the feeling of oxytocin.
It is proven to increase life expectancy by average 30 years, by in part - dilating blood vessels and regenerating heart tissue.
I t has enormous psychological and mental health benefits, including with depression, anxiety and PTSD.
It drastically boosts immunoglobulin production / white blood cells
It lowers Cortisol!
It is a powerful pain killer
It is an Anti inflammatory and wound healer
It has been proven to help people with ASD autism spectrum disorders
It even increases cognitive functions, neurosynaptic health and neurogenesis
Oxytocin Decreasing factors include:
- Trauma
- Ideological conditioning: Brainwashing - incl. cultural ideals, superiority propaganda, norms about gender roles, religions, all types of Fear mongering, the news, the media.
- Being born that way
- Bred family blood lines – including royal dynasties and leaders of empires.
- “Captagon” - a simple supplement for soldiers in pill form, the most successful armies on earth distribute it to their troops in the field. It is currently fuelling the Syrian crisis.
- Some prescribed & recreational drugs.
- CORTISOL - so all fear, anxiety based states.
- Addiction of all sorts - even screens.
- 5 % of people don't produce Oxytocin in common tested contexts: They are clinically psychopaths – (Please see below for information on these, they are a huge part of the solution.)
- Testosterone
Yes this has massive implications but it is much more complex than just: “I told you so! All men are evil!” They are very much not. As the scale goes, we: all genders; share the majority of the centre of the oxytocin scale. However, most of the psychopathic end of the scale are male and the variances in the propensity in the majority of males to make more testosterone than females – explains a lot about the state of the planet. The gender inequality and the systems of value that created this.
It certainly explains the patriarchy.
A neurochemical remnant of ancient survival instincts that we haven’t evolved quick enough out of yet. Killing is definitely out dated: our specie’s population is doing more than fine.
And we also know better, now. About empathy, equality, representation and the qualities we value as a society, well as the 95 % we do.
Unsurprisingly, 96 % of murders worldwide are still committed by men. And all of the factors listed above, have a huge part to play in this.
Including, the system of value that is oppressing all of us with these seemingly alien values, (to the 95 % of us that make oxytocin anyway.)
This is the “thriving of the cruellest reward system”, a binary options structure that says: Dominate or be dominated.
The media has reacted to this and is playing the game: It feeds back into it by responding to ratings rather than substance.
The media and news could continue to play the crucial societal role of “checks and balances” that is needed but many outlets have resorted to fear mongering and feeding into he lowering of oxytocin production. This has huge impact as more division of the empathic population believing in skewed perceptions of each other. Alienates us all and make us so scared to act empathically, it perpetuates the zeitgeist.
The communication and information booms happening for humanity currently mean we are noticing this and spreading the global movement of empathy like a viral global consciousness shift for good.
Returning now, to the 5 % of psychopaths on earth who do not make oxytocin.
Firstly, they do not know they are psychopaths. They are simply born that way or made through events and factors in their lives.
We should consider testing leaders in government for oxytocin production, as well as key figures who have huge impacts on other people’s lives. Apart from the separation of corporations and governance, a definite separation of psychopaths and governance should also be legislated for.
Recently pouring through data, inspired from a study by Dr Kelly McGonigal at Stanford University, I noticed that these 5% = can be directly linked to the majority of the 1 % that have 80 % of the monetary wealth on earth.
So the global scale of financial wealth, matches the opposite, psychopathic end end of the oxytocin scale, in simple terms.
(There are always the odd exceptions to the rule. Like Bill and Melinda Gates for example.)
This explains a lot about the system of value that is being thrust upon us 95%, that we simply do not believe in, are baffled by and cannot really get on board with. Since birth, the slow realisation that evil, and even the “Boogeyman”: is real, and possibly even president, is paralysingly scary. So we do anything we can to numb out, as adults we have no real answers as to how evil can and does exist.
The truth is it’s simply neurochemistry.
This thriving of the cruellest reward system that is being offered to us, is a binary system style game: With just “screw or be screwed” as our two options. But none of us really want to play.
So this is when the other oxytocin lowering factors can help convince us, bit by bit. E.G.: The ideological conditioning that : “Everyone is out to get you, especially brown people, especially brown people with turbans”.
Brainwashing based in fear, is a powerful tool if you need to lower people’s empathy for each other. It has been working for years, from tapestries depicting the enemy eating our children, to the orchestration of large-scale events that change mass perceptions of entire religions.
In the paper, I explore the direct correlations between these above phenomenon that lower and increase oxytocin production and some horrific aspects of our history and our present planetary state, including:
Capitalism, slavery, the patriarchy, PTSD in soldiers, addiction, colonisation, mass murdering leaders etc.
All born from a simple neuro-chemical explanation.
Most importantly, I propose a series of potential solutions that are surprising, compassionate, serendipitous and beautifully poetic.
Oxytocin production has also been proven to extend life expectancy by thirty years – by dilating blood vessels and literally regenerating heart cells.
This means that alienation can kill and having mammals and humans close by and being culturally aloud to express emotion, gratitude and love for each other is key between life and death – emotionally and physically.
So the big picture solution is simple:
Save the 5 % , save the world.
NO, not cull them. But save them. It’s constructive not destructive.
Lure the very top end of financially successful people on earth, to get tested for natural oxytocin production.
How? What is the one thing even money cannot buy = MORE TIME.
So, test the 5 % and then help them feel the euphoria of living longer, be EMPATHIC and live longer.
Either through natural ways, using our neuroplasticity and rebuilding capacity in them to make oxytocin, perhaps through a concerted effort by the 95 %. Perhaps….even, through Art.
Or even using synthesised versions of Oxytocin that make you more empathic, these have already been made in a nasal spray and it works to make you more empathic.
Tests and rehabilitation programmes should become part of hiring policy and checks for helping people in power who are in charge of human, animal or natural life. The first quality for getting these jobs must be: Can you feel empathy to represent and care for others in your role of power.
The rest will mean a longer, harmonious, peaceful future for all creatures and life on earth.
Save the 5 %
Chloé Pisco

We wish to acknowledge the Butchulla people, the Yugambeh people, the clans that make up the Bundjalung Nations, the Turrbal and Yaggera people, as original custodians of the lands and seas where we often work.
Places where stories, culture and art have been made and shared for millennia. Recognising their ancestors, as well as past, current and future elders; whose sovereign country was never ceded.
Australia always was, and always will be, aboriginal land.