"The oxytociniergic solutions for human systems and creative applicability”
Author: Chloé Pisco
All facts and data featured and used as a basis for the theories I have written in the larger paper and this synopsis, are gathered from the deep evidence based research and peer assessed findings of a multitude of pioneers recognised by their universities and research institutions; as well as the global scientific community. Found through years of research of my own, within their books, data, published papers etc.
For the list of these inspirational humans, please see the “References” page of the full paper.
Author: Chloé Pisco
All facts and data featured and used as a basis for the theories I have written in the larger paper and this synopsis, are gathered from the deep evidence based research and peer assessed findings of a multitude of pioneers recognised by their universities and research institutions; as well as the global scientific community. Found through years of research of my own, within their books, data, published papers etc.
For the list of these inspirational humans, please see the “References” page of the full paper.
Save the 5 %, save the world: Empathy for Psychopaths.
Harvard’s Dr Paul Zak proved we all make OXYTOCIN everyday after 10 years of research, only in 2011.
Infact - all mammal animals do!
OXYTOCIN is our empathy, compassion, trust, bonding, morality, connection, love hormone.
It even was proven to induce euphoric feelings!
(I get tingles /frissons at the back of my head when I hear beautiful music or see a moving live show… how about you?)
It was also proven to increases life expectancy by 30 years, by dilating blood vessels, regenerating heart tissue by Dr Kelly McGonigle of Stanford University. It also has a slew of psychological and mental benefits.
we are all good....
AND we are neuro-chemically rewarded for it.
Even more so, we are all born somewhere on the oxytocin scale, and from then, every second in everyday; certain factors affect our oxytocin production. Increasing or decreasing it...
So it can be changed for the better!
Even better news!
Here are some oxytocin increasing stimuli:
- All Human / mammal bonding
- A Hug at least longer than 6 secs
- Physical contact - collaborative, caring intention
- Making love / having orgasms
- Trust
- Environmental stimuli – smells, sounds, nature
- Connection through words, conversation, written, actions
- High stress, life or death situations
- Going into labour, making breast milk
- Gratitude
- Music, dance, films. E.I: All effective art!
Some Oxytocin Decreasing factors include:
- Trauma
- Ideological conditioning, (brainwashing): cultural ideals, superiority propaganda, norms about gender roles, religions, all types of fear mongering, the news + media.
- Being born or Bred that way
- “Captagon” - An oxytocin blocker given openly to soldiers, even today. A destructive Supplement that I propose is the main cause of PTSD in soldiers.
- Some prescribed & recreational drugs
- Testosterone – I propose this is the cause of the patriarchy.
- Cortisol - our fear + stress hormone, lowers our production of oxytocin and has a multitude of negative effects on us physically and mentally.
Now the big news:
5 % of people don't produce Oxytocin in common tested contexts: These people are clinically psychopaths.
Inspired by data from a study by Dr Kelly McGonigle at Stanford University, I decided to research a theory I had - that perhaps this 5% = are also a pert of the 1 % of people on earth today that have 80 % of the monetary wealth. And I was right.
This is probably no surprise to anyone but it does explain alot: Including how we got here.
People who make no oxytocin are not aware they do not. They simply experience empathy differently than we do, it is not their fault.
But by the system of value of capitalism - they would inevitably thrive. Infact they over thousands of years gradually brought us here to this ruling value system of actual psychopathy and probably unknowingly birthed the whole system over time, naturally.
But then again, 95% of us have been experiencing empathy and working from a very different system of value all along also. Which would explain why we , today, believe it or not - are arguably at the best time in Human history so far, humans rights wise. Well, we are the over whelming majority and we have been fighting back empathetically for as long as they have been around too.
This micro to macro - neuro to societal correlative relationship explains:
Capitalism, patriarchy, PTSD, Addiction, Mass murdering leaders and Society’s “thriving of the cruellest” system of value.
I am proposing direct solutions that are elegantly compassionate.
- Temporarily remove all psychopaths from Governance: If you can’t produce oxytocin, you should not be in charge of living beings, including biodiversity. Until you can prove you are capable of neuroplasticity good enough to experience compassion.
- Remove all the links between big business and land and human governance forever. A separation of CORP and state.
3. Make anonymous companies, with untouchable boards, unable to stand trial or be accountable for their crimes, illegal and abolish them globally.
4. Have leaders and CEO’s oxytocin tested.
How do we even get them to volunteer?
Easy: What is the only thing that no amount of money can buy you?
..... MORE TIME! A longer life...Everyone wants 30 years extra life.
Psychopaths have never felt the euphoria of love! Or the high of a hug or a real full orgasm. Or just belonging.
I think that is worth investing in.
5. Help rehabilitate Psychopaths and everyone on earth, through neuroplasticity work: naturally and / or if absolutely necessary only specific types of synthetised Oxytocin. Which have already been proven to cause trustworthiness, kindness and heightened empathic behaviour.
And yes...
Save the 5 % - Save the world.

We wish to acknowledge the Butchulla people, the Yugambeh people, the clans that make up the Bundjalung Nations, the Turrbal and Yaggera people, as original custodians of the lands and seas where we often work.
Places where stories, culture and art have been made and shared for millennia. Recognising their ancestors, as well as past, current and future elders; whose sovereign country was never ceded.
Australia always was, and always will be, aboriginal land.